Tahi Moore, Issue Four
What is Hue & Cry
Hue & Cry is a New Zealand-based art and literary journal and independent literary press. Founded Wellington, New Zealand 2007.
'Hue & Cry: a rather good British film of the 1940s; a rather bad British group of the 1980s; a wholly wonderful New Zealand literary/art magazine of today. It comes out only once a year and is always worth tracking down.' –-Guy Somerset, The NZ Listener
‘Hue & Cry's new issue, Champion This!, is a delight and a pleasure to behold, skim, put down, and finally soak up from cover to cover.’
–Pulp Magazine
‘Hue & Cry's meticulous, minimalist design recalls the uncluttered, austere authority of '70s Landfall, and it s well worth picking up.’
–Real Groove
‘This no-holds-barred, black and white 'zine tells it like it is … this collection speaks in a refreshingly honest voice.’
–Art World Magazine
Hue & Cry is made possible by the support and generosity of a number of people and institutions. In particular we would like to acknowledge and say a big thank you to Creative New Zealand.
Hue & Cry is a 170mm by 240mm literary slash art journal & publishing press based in New Zealand.
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